
Building Inclusive Communities: Lessons from Successful Townships


In an era where urban development is not just about buildings but about fostering sustainable and inclusive communities, the role of townships has never been more crucial. Successful townships around the world provide valuable lessons in creating environments where diversity is embraced, and every resident feels valued and included. This article explores these lessons and offers insights into how communities can be designed to promote inclusivity.

Understanding Inclusivity in Townships

Inclusivity in townships refers to creating a community that offers equal opportunities for all residents, regardless of their background, economic status, or abilities. This involves integrating diverse housing options, accessible public services, and community spaces that encourage interaction among all community members.

Lessons from Successful Townships

1.Diverse Housing Options

Successful inclusive townships often feature a range of housing options, from affordable housing units to more premium residences, ensuring that people from various socioeconomic backgrounds can reside within the same community. For example, the Sakariya Township integrates housing that accommodates different income groups, promoting a mixed demographic and fostering a sense of community.

1.Community-Centric Amenities
Amenities play a pivotal role in promoting inclusivity. Including parks, community centers, and sports facilities that are accessible to people of all ages and abilities can significantly enhance community engagement. Such facilities not only serve recreational purposes but also act as gathering spots for community interaction.

1.Robust Public Transportation

Connectivity within and outside the township is essential for inclusivity. Effective public transportation systems ensure that all residents, regardless of whether they own private vehicles, have access to work, education, and healthcare. This connectivity supports economic and social inclusion by linking residents with broader city resources.

1.Engagement and Governance

Active community engagement in governance allows residents to have a voice in local decisions, ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered in township development and management. Successful townships often have structured forums or councils where residents can contribute to planning and decision-making processes.

1.Economic Opportunities
Creating employment opportunities within the township can reduce travel times and enhance the quality of life. Integrating commercial zones, business parks, and support for local enterprises encourages a thriving economic environment where businesses and residents mutually benefit.

Case Study: Sakariya Group’s Model Township

The Sakariya Group’s flagship townships (Godrej Garden City and Saavy Swaraaj)  serves as an exemplary model of inclusivity. By implementing mixed-use development, the township combines residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, which not only boosts the local economy but also ensures a vibrant community life. The introduction of cultural festivals and community events celebrates diversity and strengthens bonds among residents.


Building inclusive townships requires thoughtful planning and a commitment to diversity and accessibility. The lessons from successful townships demonstrate that when communities are built with inclusivity at their core, they flourish economically and socially. The Sakariya Group remains dedicated to these principles, continually striving to innovate and implement practices that nurture inclusive communities.